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Is pelvic health important for women?

First and first, are you aware of the location of your pelvis? Between your abdomen and your legs is your pelvis. Between the bony portions of your pelvis, your pelvic floor is made up of muscles and tissue.

Isn’t it significant? You are entirely correct. You can take care of your pelvic health in Melbourne in a variety of ways. Once a year, you should visit your OB/GYN for an exam and lab tests. It’s also crucial that you keep a healthy weight. When you’re overweight, the pelvic floor is put under extra strain, putting strain on the muscles and tissue that keep everything in place.

Here are primary reasons why women’s pelvic health is so crucial.

Prolapsed pelvic organ

Prolapsed pelvic organ is a major condition that many women face. This happens when the tissues and muscles of the pelvic floor become weak. The pelvic organs drop through the muscle and tissue and press into the vagina due to the weak muscles.

What makes a prolapsed pelvis or other pelvic health problems “unmentionable”? Pelvic prolapse causes the following symptoms:

  • An unpleasant sensation of pressure in the vaginal area
  • Bladder leakage
  • During sex, there is too much pressure, and tampons are difficult to insert
  • Having a bowel movement is a problem for you
  • Seeing or feeling a protrusion in the vaginal area

All of these symptoms may be difficult to discuss with your doctor, but experts at The Fertile Project want to stop you from thinking that way. Pelvic prolapse is treatable. It is not something you must live with indefinitely, but you must inform your doctor of your symptoms in order to be treated.

Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence basically implies that you can’t keep your urine in your bladder, regardless of how full or empty it is. This can be a problem if your pelvis isn’t strong enough to support your bladder.

The Fertile Project is dedicated to informing women that they are not alone in this struggle. Women believe that this is something that happens naturally as they get older and that there is nothing they can do about it. Urinary incontinence can strike anyone at any age, and it is fully treatable, according to experts.

Urinary Retention

Urine retention is the polar opposite of urinary incontinence, in which your bladder is unable to drain completely. The bladder sagging or shifting out of position can also cause this due to a lack of strength in the pelvic floor.

Women are often rushing to the bathroom, yet they are unable to urinate. It’s an unpleasant, frequently painful sensation, and the shame associated with discussing this type of symptom prevents many women from getting care.

Urinary Retention can also be caused by urinary tract infection complications, nerve issues, or bladder weakness.

Prolapse of the Uterus

When the uterus prolapses into the vaginal canal, it is known as uterine prolapse. This is a type of pelvic organ prolapse that affects the uterus in particular. Symptoms of this type of pelvic problem include:

  • During intercourse, there is pain
  • Lower back discomfort, often known as tailbone pain, is a common complaint.
  • Vaginal pressure
  • Walking causes pain

Problems with Bowel Movement

Bowel movements might become too frequent or insufficient, just as urinary incontinence and retention. Keeping your pelvic floor strong will put difficulties that most women perceive to be just another indication of ageing at bay for much longer.

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