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Different Ways to Recover after blepharoplasty

When you start looking old and feel your eyes are becoming puffy, you decide to go for eyelid surgery. Blepharoplasty Oakville helps you get the youthful appearance back. But you may need some time to recover from the surgery. Below are some tips to quickly recover from your surgery and see the results soon.

Take some time to rest for recovering

Some people get back to their normal work soon after the surgery. But it is suggested to let the eyelids heal. For this, you need to stay away from your day to day responsibilities. It is crucial to give your work to someone else or else you may not get the desired result.

Follow the self-care instructions sincerely

You should consult the doctor for things to be taken care of after your eyelid surgery. The basic things include using eye drops to prevent dry eyes and in case of swelling, it is good to use a cold compress. Also, use a sterile gauze in case incision oozes at the time of healing.

Don’t get anxious to see results

It is not possible that soon after the surgery you will start looking great. You may still have puffy eyelids and swelling around the eyes. This may make your eye look dark. Even the incisions may appear red. It is a tough time for various patients as they are eager to see the results. But you need to understand that things will change after two weeks. You will see the difference after the puffiness and swelling is completely healed. Once, the change happens you will start feeling glad that you got the surgery.

Avoid stressing your eyes

Keep away from the computer and checking emails again and again. Also, avoid reading books as it may strain your eyes. This you may have to follow for a week post-surgery. It is mainly to avoid dry eyes as suggested by Blepharoplasty Oakville. Also, you may have speedy recovery following it.

Protect eyes from sun rays

It is essential to prevent your eyes from sunlight and wind. For this, you will have to wear dark sunglasses while going out. This is to protect your eyes from all the sides. You can also apply sunscreen but after proper instruction.

Proper sleep

For fast recovery, it is often suggested to have proper night sleep. This is because healing requires energy and lack of sleep may slow down the recovery. You should not put yourself much during recovery days, especially if you want to get well soon. The best tip is to take in between naps and relax your eyes.

Avoid vigorous activities

It is better to avoid activities like aerobics, jogging, and intensive exercise. This is mainly to prevent high pressure in the head and increase in blood flow to the eyes.

Also, it is better to avoid smoking as it may increase the chances of infection post-surgery.

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